Authors instructions

Revista Interamericana de Cardiología (Rev Interam Cardiol.) is an international scientific journal dedicated to cardiovascular diseases. Rev. Interam Cardiol. is the official means for scientific dissemination of the Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología.

For this purpose, the journal will consider contributions in the following sections:

  • Editorials*
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Original research article
  • Scientific Letters
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses 
  • Opinion Articles
  • Case reports
  • Images in Cardiology

*By invitation only.



Preparation and submission of manuscripts

The manuscripts must be sent through the new electronic publishing system of the journal at (
Once you have a username and password, you may upload your files to the platform by following the instructions.

To avoid duplications in the system, please refrain from creating a new request when resubmitting your modified files. You should continue using the same reference until your manuscript completes the editorial process.

Articles will not be accepted for review if they are not prepared in accordance with the Instructions for Authors.


1. Front page:

– Title in English and Spanish. Avoid including abbreviations whenever possible

– Running title, of no more than 40 characters

– First name, initial of the second name (if applicable) and surname(s) of each author (without title or role). Add a hyphen if a second surname is included. Example: Antonio P. Morales; or Antonio Morales, or Antonio P. Morales-Andrade.

– Affiliations will be referenced with consecutive numbers in superscript, after the name of the author. Example: Antonio P. Morales1; XXXX2; etc.

– The institutional departments in which they are assigned: Unit, Service, Department / Hospital / Faculty and University / City, Province, Country.

– Name and current address of the author responsible for correspondence.

– Funding: The sources that funded your research will be described, including grant numbers if necessary. As well as briefly describing the role that said sponsors have played in the design of the study, the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data, the writing of the article or the decision to submit the article for publication. If there has not been any type of participation, please indicate that as well.

– Conflicts of interest: Authors must describe any financial or personal relationships they have with other people or organizations that could give rise to a conflict of interest in relation to the article being submitted for publication.

– Acknowledgment: The collaboration of people, research groups and/or institutions that did not intervene directly in the preparation of the work, that do not justify authorship. They will be identified with first and last name or name of the institution.


2. Full text, tables and figures.

The texts must be in a Word® word processor file. Manuscripts must be correctly written in Spanish or English.

– The text should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12. Every new section of the article should start on a new page. (Front page; summaries in English and Spanish and keywords; main text; references + tables + figure captions).

– The pages will be numbered consecutively starting at the front page, and the number will be placed at the top of each page.

– The front page as stated in section 1

– A second file with the manuscript, completely anonymous, a statement of conflict of interests, financing, and the ethical responsibilities form to be filled in electronically through the manuscript manager at the time of submission.

– The main text must be anonymous, and it should contain:

  • A summary in English and in Spanish + keywords in both languages
  • The body of the article in English
  • References, tables, and figure captions
  • Use standardized abbreviations. When used in the text, the full word must be cited before being abbreviated, unless it is a standard unit of measure.


For more help, please refer to the International Committee of Editors of Biomedical Journals website, For more information on how to prepare your manuscript, please consult:



– Original research articles, as well as systematic reviews and meta-analyses must contain a structured abstract in Spanish (maximum 250 words) and one in English, structured according to the following guideline: Introduction, methods, results, and conclusions.

– Review articles must contain an unstructured abstract in Spanish (maximum 250 words) and one in English.
A maximum of 3 abbreviations are accepted, as long as they are used a minimum of 3 times. When an abbreviation is used for the first time, it will be preceded by the full term, except in the case of a common unit of measure (it does not include units of effect).

At the bottom of the abstract authors must provide or identify 3 to 10 keywords. The keywords should be consulted in the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine (available at or its Spanish version, DECS available at       



Introduction: It should include the background, the approach to the problem and the objective of the study in continuous writing duly supported in the bibliography.

Material and methods: The characteristics of the sample and the methods used (with relevant references) will be clearly indicated, in such a way that the reading of this chapter allows other researchers to carry out similar studies. The statistical methods used should be clearly indicated with the corresponding reference. The authors must include the ethical procedures they have followed for experiments with animals, patients, management of confidential data, informed consent, etc. and they must confirm having the authorization from the Ethics Committee at their institution.

Results: They should include relevant findings of the study, comparing them with figures or graphs that are strictly necessary and that extend the information given in the text. Do not repeat information in the writing and in the tables and / or figs.

Discussion: The results should be contrasted with what is reported in the literature and with the objectives and hypotheses raised in the work. New and relevant aspects of the study are highlighted. Do not repeat data that is already in the Introduction or in the Results section.

Conclusions: In this section, the main conclusions of the study will be summarized and, if these were preliminary, future studies that would need to be carried out will be suggested. It is necessary that the conclusions are consistent with the objectives that were raised and that they derive directly from the research process carried out.

References: They will be presented in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (International Committee of Editors of Biomedical Journals). References will be indicated consecutively with Arabic numerals and in the order in which they appear for the first time inside the text. The text, tables and figures (and captions, if applicable) must be referenced as well. In citations with multiple authors (more than six authors), only the first 6 authors of the work should be included, followed by et al., After the abbreviation of the name or names of the 6th author. In the case of 6 or less authors, all of them must be included in the quotation, (https://www.nlm.

• Articles published in journals should appear in the following format: Welt CK, Chan JL, Bullen J, Murphy R, Smith P, DePaoli AM, et al. Recombinant human leptin in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea. N Engl J Med. 2004; 351: 987-97.

• References to books must include the full name of the publisher as well as the city and country of publication and the year in which it was published, according to the following model: Aréchiga H, Somolinos J. Mexican contributions to modern medicine. Fund of Economic Culture. Mexico D.F., Mexico, 1994.

• References to chapters in books should appear as follows: Pasternak RC, Braunwald E. Acute myocardial infarction; or: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Isselbacher KJ, Braunwald E, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Fauci AS, Kasper DL (Eds.) McGraw-Hill Inc. 12a. Edition, New York, USA, 1994, pp. 1066-1077.

• References to websites should appear as follows: European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. COVID-19 pandemic (Internet). European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. (accessed: August 11, 2020). Available at:  



They must be double-spaced, listed consecutively in the order mentioned in the text, with the titles at the top; the meaning of the abbreviations and explanatory notes will go below. They should be included at the end of the manuscript after the references section.



– Figure captions will be written in double space. Captions will contain the necessary information to interpret the figure without resorting to the text. They should be referenced in the text in order or appearance. Quality: Graphics, tracings and drawings must be generated with high resolution graphic programs, PowerPoint® or Illustrator® (JPG, TIFF, or EPS files, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi). All iconography must be original. Otherwise, they must be referenced and the author must obtain prior permission of the respective publisher. Data that has already been written in the text should not be repeated. Photographs of objects should include a rule to calibrate reference measurements. Microphotographs should show a microscopic magnification or a reference micrometre bar.

– The name, face, patient data or any recognizable feature must not appear in the figures.

– Authors are encouraged to add coloured illustrations that adequately accompany the text.

– The explanatory notes and the meaning of the abbreviations will go at the bottom in alphabetical order, in this order.



The following form must be submitted when uploading the article on the platform:

The journal adheres to the "Uniform Requirements for Preparing Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing Biomedical Publications" in the most recent version published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors on its website regarding possible conflicts of interest, privacy and confidentiality, as well as human and animal rights as subjects of research. A copy of the informed consent will be requested in the case of studies with patients and clinical cases, as well as the approval of the Bioethics Committee of the corresponding institution, in the case of clinical and experimental studies.

The procedures in humans must adhere to the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki) Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. JAMA 2000; 284: 3043-5, as well as the agreement published by the Ministry of Health on January 26, 1982, and the Rules of the Ethics and Research Committee of the Institution where an original work was carried out. Studies in animals should follow similar guidelines (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council, Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals, Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1996). In relation to data confidentiality data, the way in which the anonymity of the participants and the privacy of their information have been protected must be informed.



Authors may submit supplementary material (applications, images, videos, or audio files) that is helpful to readers in understanding the article, or that is too long to be included in the main text.



Editorial. They provide comments and analysis concerning a concomitant publication in this journal. Requested by the publisher. It must have a maximum of 4 authors, title in Spanish and English, will not exceed 1200 words and up to ten references and a Table or Figure. Its structure should follow this guideline: Editorial development - Bibliography - Tables - Titles and/or captions of figures - Figures.


Original research article. Its content presents the results of original clinical or basic research. A maximum of 10 authors will be allowed, in the case of presenting a higher number of authors, a letter may be sent to the editors-in-chief indicating the reason. In original articles, the body of the manuscript must be structured as follows: Introduction - Materials and methods - Results - Discussion - Conclusions. The maximum length will be 5000 words from introduction to bibliography. 

To promote the transparency and quality of the research, the authors will be asked, as an essential requirement, to self-assess adherence to the relevant international guidelines according to the type of study:

– Clinical trials: CONSORT ( In addition, all trials must be registered in one of the international databases, and the corresponding registration number must always be indicated.

– Observational studies: STROBE (

– Articles on diagnostic tests: STARD (

– For other types of studies, consult the guides in the EQUATOR initiative (


Review article, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It may include reviews on a topical topic of medical relevance and meta-analysis. A maximum of 6 authors will be allowed, in the case of presenting a higher number of authors, a letter may be sent to the editors-in-chief indicating the reason. The maximum length will be 5000 words from introduction to bibliography. The main author or correspondent must be an authority in the area or subject being reviewed and must attach a bibliographic list of his contributions that supports his experience in the subject. For systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the authors will be required to self-assess adherence to the PRISMA guidelines (


Scientific letters. They refer to clinical research articles with a small group of patients or preliminary results of basic research. It must have a front page with a maximum of six authors. Summaries, sections or headings will not be included. A maximum of twelve bibliographical references, two tables or figures, and a maximum of 1,200 words are admitted. Its structure should follow this guideline: Development of the letter - Bibliography - Tables - Titles and/or captions of figures - Figures.


Letters to the editor. Letters to the Editor may refer to editorial comments in response to prior publication (up to 12 weeks), research, or other issues of interest. It must have a maximum of 4 authors, title in Spanish and English, will not exceed 1200 words and up to ten references and a Table or Figure. Its structure should follow this guideline: Development of the letter - Bibliography - Tables - Titles and/or captions of figures - Figures.

The authors must confirm or clarify any of the following assumptions, as appropriate, in the ethical disclosures section:

- The authors declare that they have not used any type of generative artificial intelligence for the writing of this manuscript, nor for the creation of images, graphics, tables, or their corresponding captions.

- The authors declare that they have used generative artificial intelligence, specifically (name of the AI in question) in the writing of this manuscript and/or in the creation of images, graphics, tables, or their corresponding captions (please specify in all cases where it has been used).


Clinical cases. It must have a maximum of 6 authors, a maximum length of 1200 words, title in Spanish and English, 2 figures or tables. As an essential requirement, authors will be asked to self-assess adherence to the CARE international quality guidelines ( 


Image in Cardiology. It is a section to show images of interest in cardiology. It may involve clinical aspects, studies such as x-rays, electrocardiograms, ultrasounds, angiographies, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, pathological anatomy or any other that is considered relevant to cardiologists. Two or three excellent quality illustrations must be submitted, accompanied by a brief description that highlights the importance of the image, in English and Spanish (maximum 250 words). They should allow for proper reproduction and include indicator arrows where necessary. If necessary, up to three bibliographical references can be included. The privacy of patients must be protected.


Type of study

Guide Checklist

Randomized clinical study

CONSORT (CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials) CONSORT Checklist

Non-randomized clinical study

TREND (Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomized Designs) TREND Checklist

Observational studies

STROBE (STrengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology) STROBE Checklist

Diagnostic tests

STARD (STAndards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies) STARD Checklist

Systematic review or meta-analysis

PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) PRISMA Checklist

Case reports  


For other types of studies, consult the guides in the EQUATOR initiative ( 



The submitted papers must be accompanied by a letter signed by all the authors of the paper stating that the paper has not been previously published nor has it been simultaneously sent to another journal, that there is no conflict of interest and, if accepted, the copyright is assigned to the Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología. It should also be clarified that the opinions contained in the article are the responsibility of the authors.



All authors must have made substantial contributions to each of the following: (1) study conception and design, or data acquisition, or data analysis and interpretation, (2) draft article or the critical review of the intellectual content, (3) the final approval of the version presented. All three conditions are essential. Participation solely in the collection of data or funds does not justify authorship, as well as acting only in general supervision of the group.


Guidance table for the submission of manuscripts


Editorial Original research articles Scientific letters Reviews, systematic reviews Images in cardiology Letters to the Editor

1. Front page

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

2. Abstract + keywords in spanish

- - - Yes* - -

3. Abstract + keywords in english

- - - Yes* - -

4. Content

1,500 words 4,000 words 1,200 words 4,000 words 1 paragraph 1,000 words

5. Bibliography

Maximum 10 Minimum 20
Maximum 40
Maximum 12 Minimum 20
Maximum 40
Maximum 2 Maximum 10

6. Figure captions

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

7. Figures

2 2 2 2 2 1

8. Tables

2 2 2 2 2 1

*Abstracts must be descriptive, not structured. In the case of meta-analysis structured as original research.




The editorial process consists of 6 stages:

1. Reception of the manuscript (indeterminate, depending on whether the author meets the requirements): its objective is to verify that the manuscript complies with the specifications of these instructions for authors and that the submitted documentation is complete.

2. Initial editorial review (maximum 5 business days): its objective is to corroborate the relevance, timeliness, originality, and scientific contribution of the manuscript, as well as the methodological and statistical soundness of the study. At this time, it will be submitted to an electronic plagiarism detection system. Derived from this, a rejected opinion may be obtained, or it will be sent for review by peer researchers.

3. Review by peer researchers (maximum 30 business days): the opinion of at least two experts in the area in question will be obtained, who will evaluate the technical and methodological aspects of the investigation.

4. Editorial review (maximum 7 business days): its objective is to make a decision based on the opinion of peer reviewers. The opinion can be rejected, major changes, minor changes or accepted. In the case of major or minor changes, it will be submitted again for evaluation by the initial peer reviewers.

5. Final edition (6 weeks): its objective is the technical and linguistic edition (and translation), layout of galleys, DOI assignment, and correction by the author.

6. Advanced publication: All manuscripts will be published ahead of print on the journal's website as soon as they complete the editing process, until they are incorporated into a final issue of the journal.


The corresponding author will receive proofs of the article for revision and correction of terminology errors, or any other updates related to facts/figures. As the article will already have been edited according to the journal’s internal editorial guidelines, style corrections will not be accepted. The corresponding author will receive an email with the article in PDF format, on which they can leave their comments. Authors will need to have Adobe Reader (version 9, or a later version), downloadable for free). For other system requirements, please visit the Adobe website.

Alternatively, authors may list their corrections and submit them via email. Any major changes at this stage will be subject to the approval of the Editor. Authors should make sure to include all changes in a single email, as we cannot guarantee the inclusion of subsequent corrections.

The proof review is the responsibility of the author.


Relevant links:

Committee on Publication Ethics. Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Responsibilities in the Submission and Peer-Review Process